
Love stories and more

Look for my favorite wedding planning tips and tricks, behind the scenes tidbits about my life, and, of course, features of many of the beautiful couples who spend time in front of my camera.

I promise it’s worth your while.

Joshua Tree National Park Engagement
Couples Amy Kaley Couples Amy Kaley

Joshua Tree National Park Engagement

When asked what emotions they want to feel when they look back on their photos, Jody and Remington replied, “Joy. Warmth. Steadfastness. Oneness. Overall, we want to feel that there is evident delight in one another through the photos.”

Little did I know that a dusty desert path and the setting sun were all we’d need to shine a light on their love…sometimes it really is as simple as that.

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What is Golden Hour?

What is Golden Hour?

Wedding planning often involves hours of research, countless decisions, and more than one moment which makes you go, “Wait. Am I supposed to know something about that?!”

As a wedding photographer, it can be all-too-easy to talk to my clients about their photography experience and forget that, while I am capturing special moments all year long, you’re not being photographed every weekend. It’s important for me to to remember that things I’m excited to share with you might not make much sense without a bit of extra context!

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Planning Your Walk Down the Aisle

Planning Your Walk Down the Aisle

In my experience, if there’s something about weddings that lives up to the hype (well, okay, there are actually quite a few things that do, but this is a big one), it’s your walk down the aisle.

A truly magical moment that you’ll never forget.

It’s not a moment I realized I needed to plan anything special for when Kevin and I were making arrangements for our own wedding, but now I know better - and want to make sure you’re prepared too!

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New Year, New Website
More from Amy Amy Kaley More from Amy Amy Kaley

New Year, New Website

It was a long road. A labor of love. A little bit (okay, a lot bit) frustrating at times. But 100% completely worth it in the end.

I have wanted to build a new website for the last two years and, given it was a pretty daunting and time-consuming task, it always seemed to wind up at the bottom of my priority list. Shocker. (ha!)

This fall, however, I was finally ready to take on the challenge.

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17.5 Things I’ve Learned in 35 Years
More from Amy Amy Kaley More from Amy Amy Kaley

17.5 Things I’ve Learned in 35 Years

Turning 35 wasn’t as earth-shattering as I expected it to be. In fact, it felt much like the day before, which is perhaps because my perspective has shifted quite a bit as of late. The last few years have involved a significant amount of self-reflection and personal growth, and you know what?

I’m freaking PROUD OF MYSELF.

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Minneapolis Lakeside Engagement
Couples Amy Kaley Couples Amy Kaley

Minneapolis Lakeside Engagement

When they told me they wanted to have a little fun with their second outfits, I had no idea just how much fun they meant. Let’s just say my stomach hurt by the end of our session from laughing so hard!

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The Soup Swap
More from Amy Amy Kaley More from Amy Amy Kaley

The Soup Swap

When my neighbor invited me to a soup swap with her friends, I envisioned that we’d all prepare our favorite type of soup and get together for a giant feast.

While that would have been amazing, this was even better than I imagined.

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How to Write the Perfect Wedding Toast
Amy Kaley Amy Kaley

How to Write the Perfect Wedding Toast

This one goes out to the wedding party - or parents of the couple - who have been asked to prepare a toast! It’s an honor to be asked, but can be a bit intimidating when you sit down and try to think of what you should say.

As someone who has heard COUNTLESS wedding toasts during my years as a wedding photographer, here is a tried-and-true method to help kickstart your writing process!

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Wisconsin State Park Engagement
Couples Amy Kaley Couples Amy Kaley

Wisconsin State Park Engagement

Kourtney and Jalen both told me (separately!) that 20 years from now they want to look back on this season of their lives and remember being young, in love, and how it feels as they look forward to starting their lives together. They want to recall the beauty in the simple moments, when they’re walking and holding hands or trying new recipes for dinner, and the fun they have together, referring to each other by silly nicknames, visiting breweries, and playing games.

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What to do with Your Wedding Photos

What to do with Your Wedding Photos

It’s finally arrived. THE EMAIL. Your wedding gallery is ready!

Excited, you immediately log in and begin to slowly scroll through the photos, falling more in love with each image you see. All the emotions from your wedding day come rushing back and you feel like you’re right back at the altar, back witnessing the incredible sunset that lit up the sky that night, and back on the dance floor for your first dance.

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How to Have a Relaxing Wedding Day

How to Have a Relaxing Wedding Day

Your wedding day should be joyful and fun, not stressful! But all too often it seems like brides wind up feeling overwhelmed and unable to live in the moment how they had hoped…and I don’t want that for you!

After photographing countless weddings over the course of the last eight years, here are my five best tips for having a relaxed, stress-free wedding day:

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