Top 3 Things To Do in Door County

I'm in the midst of planning this summer's third (yay!) trip to Door County and it's going to be an extra special one because we're taking two of our best friends for their FIRST EVER VISIT. In classic Amy style, I'm preparing a power point filled with the details about a few of our favorite places; in case they weren't excited already, I need to just take it completely over the top with photos, gifs, and videos to get them on my level of Door-County-is-incredible-ness.

If you're looking for the perfect vacation destination this year, here are a few tidbits I'm including in my very official presentation tomorrow - for the full experience, pour yourself a glass of wine before reviewing the below info!

Door County Fish Boil

First brought to the peninsula in the 1800s by Scandinavian immigrants, fish boils were an easy way to feed large numbers of people at once. Considering they're made up of just a few simple ingredients - water, salt, potatoes, and Lake Michigan whitefish - the experience (and final flavors) are top notch! We attended a fish boil at the White Gull Inn in Fish Creek last year and are already planning to make a reservation for at least one of our visits this year. If the White Gull Inn is already booked up, don't worry. There are a variety of other places that offer a great fish boil experience too!

Hands On Art Studio

My first art project at Hands On was about fifteen years ago and I still can't get'll literally find me here every year. I love painting the pottery (and have even converted Kevin to love it!) but they have so much more to offer, from mosaics and jewelry making to canvas painting and glass fusing. There is something for everyone to try!

Sunset Sail on Sister Bay

There are numerous wonderful options for getting out on the water, but a personal favorite is the sunset sail on the Edith M. Becker, a 65 foot passenger tall ship on Sister Bay. Kevin and I did this for the first time while on our babymoon back in 2020 and had a lovely experience chasing the sun, helping raise the sails by hand, and realizing the crew was serious when they said they were going to fire a cannon off the boat at the end of the night. The fact that they allow you to bring your own snacks is an added bonus for sure!

It may be a bit of a drive to get over to the "thumb" of Wisconsin, but I promise it's worth your effort!

Originally posted April 10, 2023


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